The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award 2017 is an award that is given to bloggers by other bloggers, which only exists on the Internet.
1: Thank the blog who nominated you and link back to them (don’t forget to comment on this post so I can check out your answers).
2. Make a blog post outlining 11 facts about you,
3. Answer the 11 questions from the blog who nominated you.
4. Prepare 11 questions for those you will nominate.
5. Nominate 5-11 new bloggers (those who have less than 200 followers) by commenting in one of their blog posts.
Thank you crazywolfgirl  for choosing me!
11 facts about me
#1 ~ I am the son of a preacher.
#2 ~ I want to be a preacher when I’m an adult.
#3 ~ I also want be a pilot because I love aircraft.
#4 ~ I hate squeaky noises. (The just irritate me.)
#5 ~ I love to read books.
#6 ~ I used to hate writing.
#7 ~ I have 6 siblings.
#8 ~ I wear glasses.
#9 ~ I love it when it’s cold.
#10 ~ I got a scholarship to high school but turned it down.
#11 ~ I love computers
Questions crazywolfgirl asked me and their answers
#1 ~ What is your favorite animal?
My favorite animal is the eagle.
#2 ~ What is your all-time favorite movie?
My all-time favorite movie is “God’s Not Dead.”
#3 ~ Do you have any pets?
I don’t have a pet although I want a dog.
#4 ~ What do you like doing in your free time?
During my free time I either read or play video games.
#5 ~ Do you like to read?
Yes I like to read.
#6 ~ If so, what is your favorite book/series? If not, why don’t you like reading?
My favorite book is the Bible.
#7 ~ What is your favorite song at the moment?
My favorite song at the moment is “Make A Move” by Royal Tailor
#8 ~ How do you feel when you’re in a crowd?
I feel quite uncomfortable and like a canned sardine.
#9 ~ Do you play any sports?
I play soccer and basketball.
#10 ~ What is your favorite game (computer, video, card or board)?
My favorite video game is FIFA 17.
#11 ~ If you were forced to give up something important to you, what would it be?
I really can’t say maybe it would be my laptop.
My nominees:
  1. cetstoryblog
  2. jillofalltrades
  3. Oddessa’s photography
  4. ezekielsdailyreport
  5. allisonfessays
  6. kenna777blog
  7. homeschooltravelers
  8. lightandlens
Questions to my nominees
  1. What would you do if you were famous?
  2. If you had three wishes what would you wish?
  3. If you were the richest person in the world what would you do with the money?
  4. Which country would you like to live in?
  5. Why did you start blogging?
  6. Who do you think is the most important person in your life?
  7. If you had a time machine which time in the past would you go to?
  8. What are you good at?
  9. Who is your favorite music artist?
  10. Are you scared of heights?
  11. When is your birthday?

24 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. I’ve got a question for ya. you nominated LightandLens, but there are like 5 authors on that blog. Was there someone in specific on there that you wanted to nominate, or what? If not, Who should do the award thing (the 11 facts about yourself, answering your questions, etc) Just wondering! 🙂

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